Thursday 1 December 2011

Misfits (media consumption over 48 hours)

As mentioned in my first blog instead of writing the blog about the dance show while it was fresh in my mind, i avoided it and watched the latest episode of Misfits instead. Misfits is a teen, comedy/fantasy drama in which a group of young adults (nicknamed the 'Asbo Five') participating in community service for petty crimes are caught in a mystical storm that gives them all supernatural abilities. Within sunday's episode i witnessed the death of one of my favourite characters, a probation worker who really could not give a rats ass about anyone else but himself. He was arrogant, self centered, rude and very lazy....he was fantastic!! i'm not sure how channel 4 plan to replace him but i hope they do a good job! Something i did notice when watching Misfits was the specific advertisements between the shows breaks. There was a numerous amount of hair product, music albums, dvd releases and cereal adverts shown which can specifically link to my age group as i love my hair, i like music, i enjoy watching dvds and who doesn't love a cracking bowl of cereal first thing in the morning? Before taking media as an A level option i would not have been able to notice the way the channels arrange the advertisements to suit the target audiences of the programs themselves. It amazes how before i could just mindlessly watch telly as flashing images passed by without me noticing a change in advert patterns or styles between the programs. However im not sure whether this is a blessing or a curse, i used to enjoy being able to just let my mind numb up and soak in all of the images shown. However now i constantly find myself relating stuff to media and stating media terms in my mind while watching different programs. I can no longer just switch my brain off.

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