Friday 30 March 2012

Questionnaire results

I was a able to succesfully distribute 20 copies of my magazine questionnaire to participants
of a different age ranges and backgrounds. Below i have created Pie charts using the software Microsoft Excel to visually represent my results from each question and the conclusions i can draw from them.

1. What age category do you fall into?

I am able to conclude from this piece of data that the majority of magazine audiences are aged within the age range of 14 to 17 and 18 to 20. I can take and use this information to ensure that my music magazine appeals towards these age ranges. 
2. What would be your favourite kind of magazine to read?

As shown in the green section of this graph Music magazines are dominant over other magazines in the results from my questionnaire, this means that i have a large group of people who may be able to offer feedback and opinions on my main task down the line.

3. When listening to music what is your favourite genre to listen to?

Rock was shown here to be the dominant genre of music that people listen to, closely followed by Dubstep. I feel that this information is invaluable to me as i can ensure that my music magazine is based on the rock genre to appeal to a larger audience, i could possibly attempt to tie in dubstep with the rock aswell as alot of rock songs these days are being remixed intop dubstep so i have a large array of options. 

4. Do you currently purchase a music magazine?

This is helpful for th next question which follows on from this question.

5. If yes how frequently do you purchase it?

I placed this question into the questionnaire as i felt it was a useful bit of information to look at when placing dates and references to the issue releases in my main task. Looking at this graph i think its conclusive that the majority of people that buy music magazines buy them on a weekly basis, therefore i will have my magazine as a weekly issue.

6. If you were to purchase a music magazine what content would you like to see inside?

This pie chart shows that the majority of the people taking my questionnaire would like to see some form of interview or review within its pages, so i could create my double page spread as one of these. The other close option was the 'Other' option in which all 3 of the people that selected this said that they would like to see something along the lines of a competition in the magazine.

7. How much would you be willing to pay for a good music magazine?
And this pie chart has easily made up my mind on the pricing to be placed on my front cover, Over 50% of the people asked this question have said that they would happily pay £2.99 for a good magazine, therefore i will price my magazine at £2.99.

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