Monday 9 April 2012

Double page spread research

First thing i notice when looking at this double page spread from NME is the size of the image, i would say that takes up a good 2/3rds of the page. I feel they may have done this to create the illusion that the band is metaphorically big in terms of stardom and fame. There seems to bit alot of crossover in terms of content between both of the pages, instead of being to seperate pages it becomes more like one large landscaped page as shown with the band name which spreads across a generous amount of width on both pages.  On the bottom left NME includes a little fact file of bachground information regarding the band to help raise awareness of their roots and also to build a relationship between the audience and the band allowing them to understand that these people are not too different to non-celebritys. Building on that NME also include images from the bands personal life outside of the stage showing thweir house and a party they were involved with, increasing the connection with the audience through common experiences, eg. messy nights etc.
NME use various techniques in an attempt to build the bands popularity with it's readers, for starters it uses a caption stating 'NME LOVES-heartsrevolution.' which to me passess on the feeling that if my trusted music magazine company loves this band i too may like this band. It also uses the word 'Radar' in the top left cornwer of the page to make it seem that this band is the next big thing to pop up on the radar of society, if you are not interested in this band you are standiong out from the public eye.
They use a witty phrase in bold writing just above the article to confuse the reader slightly and make them feel much more inclined to read on and have their confusions settled within the text. The textual content on a double page spread often consists on questions relating to an artist's personal lives so that the public can relate to and enjoy hearing about real life experiences from people on the pedestal at the time.

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