Saturday 7 April 2012

Front page plan

Below is my brief plan of how i would like may front cover to be laid out. much like my preliminary task i have used pretty colours in an attempt to sway your level of boredom slightly however this time i have been gracious enough to label the shapes for you. Here it is:

Please excuse the odd white gaps between the lettering i created this using microsoft paint and for some reason when i export it it turns out like this. I know what software i will not be using for most of my main task. As you can see i have included a strap line at the top followed by a masthead which will include the logo and the issue number and issue date. i will then have a series of short, snappy sentences to refer to asrticles within the magazine to lure readers into the depths of my magazine along the left hand side of the magazine so that it is easily viewable when on a magazine stand. i have a big picture which takes up a vast majority of space and i also have a section at the bottom right for a see more section where i will include a list of bands within the magazine in an attempt to further draw customers in.

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