Wednesday 4 April 2012

Logo choice

Today i was able to create a number of logo designs to choose from for my magazine. Below you can view my personal designs which i created using a tool on 'Plasq's comic life'. The tool enables you to choose a font, skew, shape it, stretch it, colour it, shade it and place borders onto the text making it an exceptional tool for logo design! I deccided to name my magazine 'KAPOOSH' as like Kerrang it offers an explosive reaction when read aloud. Brace yourselves for more of my masterpieces...

After showing this one to a few of my fellow peers it became clear that the majority of them could not read this from a distance, making it very ineffective at grasping an audiences attention when looking at the shelf. If it were not for the sight issue i feel i would have gone for this logo due to its heavy metal look in correspondance to my magazine content.

I thought this one was really good until i was rooting through my vast DVD collection and realised it looked very similair to the text on the front of the DVD case for the film 'Rocky Horror Picture Show'. It is in fact an absolutely fantastic film however i do not wish to have my logo being referenced to a hit 1970's film when attempting to create an unique logo to represent individuality.

This one was a possibilty for about 10 minutes until i realised the text itself is not really appropriate for a rock magazine, it looks better suited to a comic book or child's story book. I felt the writing was edgy and gave it a feeling of sharpness and danger however i dont think the font was the best choice for the magazine.

This logo i fell in love with instantly and so far i have gained all positive feedback from it. Its unique, its colourful and its bold. it also has a colour effect of red rising from the bottom fading into orange at the top. I feel this gives of a fiery impression and can demonstrate a burning passion for music and the aggressive nature of modern day rock. This is my logo choice for my magazine.

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