Thursday 12 April 2012

Photos for magazine.

I have finally got round to taking the photos for my magazine and i have specifacally handpicked a few of the best looking people i could find to best represent my magazine. As it turns out i appear in most of them, what a coincidence that is! Try and guess which person is me...

 Here i have taken a picture of a girl playing the drums, i intend to use this image as one of my two images on my contents page to include as an article on female drummers.
 This is going to be my main image for my double page spread, i was able to find a white background with a decent lighting for this shot, i have had the two people people positioned so that the main singer is placed in front of the support singer to emphasise his lead role within the band. I have had the main actor pull an aggresive facial expression and lean into the camera confrontationally to link in with the artile that i will have on my double page spread. i intend to have the double page spread article to be based around deep feelings of hate and aggression that sparked of an interest in heavy rock music. I was also able to ensure that both people within the shot had similiar items of clothing to emphasise that they are a unit and part of the same band. Im not too happy with the way the model's hair on the right (your right as you look at the image.) looks. I feel i will most likely make an attempt to edit this so that it does not look too unkempt and looks more stylish.

This image is for my front cover, i have had the person modelling pose to look as if they are in deep thought or to look as if they are hiding beneath the hood in order to cover up their emotions, i intend to have the front page and contents page build up and entice readers into reading the double page spread. i intend to make the stories imply that the band has a deep hidden secret that influences their creation of music.

This photo is one of the extra photos for the double page spread which will be presented on the article side of the page. I have had the model look agitated/disgusted which will directly link into the article content and the feelings expressed within the text.

This is my photo for the contents page, i have taken this against a metal fencing with the intention of making it look like a cage. I intend to include a heading with this stating that the band member reveals all about the torment trapped inside on the double page spread. I have included this in order to help intrigue readers and arise questions as to what the hidden secrets actually are.

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