Saturday 18 February 2012

Some helpful production tips.

Our teacher, the ever lovely Mrs Barnett has given us a list of production tips that we may refer to during the creation of our preliminary task to help with, well the production of the magazine obviously.

  • Seperate the most important aspect on a page to the rest.
  • Spend time on cropping and resizing pictures
  • Use clipping pads so you can work on an image and no background.
  • Experiment with filters and other effects to create impression of motion or to soften focus - only use an effect if it essential.
  • Use a range of fonts and sizes. Most magazines use 2-3 different fonts in total. Remember to consider contrast between font and purpose. 1 font for headings and titles and 1 for main text.
  • Use the pyramid approach for margins.
  • Use destropublishing software guidline to keep font neatly arranged and experiment with colour.

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