Monday 16 April 2012

Photo editing

Within this image i used adobe Fireworks in an attempt to make some subtle changes to the image in order to make it look the best it can. As mentioned before i wanted to edit the hair of the person on the right to make it look more neat and tidy, so i use the magic stamp tool in order to take other sections of the hair and duplicate it to give the effect of an extra layer of hair covering the patch that had a parting in within the original image. I then once again used the magic stamp tool and then the blur tool on a low smudge setting in order to airbrush the skin of both people making it seem more vibrant and clear. I then cropped the photo in an attempt to remove the slight viewing of the door to the left of the original image, making the image setting and background seem more professional and clear.

With the 'cage' image i just used Adobe Fireworks to darken the image by reducing the brightness and contrast of the image in an attempt to make it look darker and gloomier to emphasise the dark emotions brooding within the band member.
This new edited image also appears to place a lot more emphasis on the person as well by darkening the background however keeping a lot of the light and colour on the person.

 This image i actually used the photo edit options in Microsoft words to edit and tweak the colouring of the photo. i felt the original image looked far too light for a rock magazine and i also disliked a lot of the objects in the background of the image. So i changed the picture's contrast settings in order darken out a lot of the background scenery such as tables and chairs and her foot whilst keeping acceptable definition and good lighting on the subject of the picture, the drums and the drummer herself. I also slightly cropped the photo in order to further remove background objects at the top of the image.

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