Saturday 21 April 2012

Completed magazine.

I have finally completed my music magazine much to my keyboards joy (if a keyboard could experience such a human expression), i think most of the letters have worn off on my keyboard since starting this media task. Below i have uploaded my 3 completed pages for my magazine and in the next post i will have created and  uploaded my media evaluation explaining the process of my creation and the difficulties and challenges that raised during this task. Well here they are i hope you enjoy my pages.

Front cover:

 Contents page:

Double page spread:

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Magazine Rough Draft

This is my first draft for my front page. I do not think it looks too bad however i am not too certain on the empty space at the bottom. I feel i may need to include a strap line with another heading in or some information for the magazine in an attempt to not leave so much free space. Also after asking for feedback of 5 other media students all of them have said they did not like the angle of the logo so i will be looking to re-position the logo on my final copy. however i personally feel that the magazine so far is coming on well, i have managed to exploit the left third of the magazine for its full potential and have managed to stick to a colour could of red black and gold both to represent darkness and hatred (main article theme) and the gold to represent glamour and success. 

This is my rough draft of the contents page. i have received a lot of positive feed back from my peers on this page and i am relatively happy with the way it looks myself. However i think there is a couple of things i would like to change. I believe there is too much white on the page so i may attempt to place coloured backgrounds on all of the main text (news, Reviews etc.)  which will not only make the page seem less spaced out but it will also further improve the texts ability to stand out. i would also like to frame the images on this page so they have borders making the page seem more tidy and professional.

This is my rough draft of my double page spread. As you can see i have my main image taking up the majority of the left hand page and the article taking up the right side. I did attempt to make the image cross over into the right page however i found it insufferably hard try to squeeze enough room for the writing in a big enough font size without ruining the resolution of the text making it unreadable without zooming in. I personally feel there is again a bit too much space on the page and i would like to to place a quote from the article in bold letters on the left hand side over the image. i feel there needs to be a mini introduction to the band on the right hand side just before the article and i believe i could also improve it by introducing bonus content into the page either through a website address or email address. 

Monday 16 April 2012

Photo editing

Within this image i used adobe Fireworks in an attempt to make some subtle changes to the image in order to make it look the best it can. As mentioned before i wanted to edit the hair of the person on the right to make it look more neat and tidy, so i use the magic stamp tool in order to take other sections of the hair and duplicate it to give the effect of an extra layer of hair covering the patch that had a parting in within the original image. I then once again used the magic stamp tool and then the blur tool on a low smudge setting in order to airbrush the skin of both people making it seem more vibrant and clear. I then cropped the photo in an attempt to remove the slight viewing of the door to the left of the original image, making the image setting and background seem more professional and clear.

With the 'cage' image i just used Adobe Fireworks to darken the image by reducing the brightness and contrast of the image in an attempt to make it look darker and gloomier to emphasise the dark emotions brooding within the band member.
This new edited image also appears to place a lot more emphasis on the person as well by darkening the background however keeping a lot of the light and colour on the person.

 This image i actually used the photo edit options in Microsoft words to edit and tweak the colouring of the photo. i felt the original image looked far too light for a rock magazine and i also disliked a lot of the objects in the background of the image. So i changed the picture's contrast settings in order darken out a lot of the background scenery such as tables and chairs and her foot whilst keeping acceptable definition and good lighting on the subject of the picture, the drums and the drummer herself. I also slightly cropped the photo in order to further remove background objects at the top of the image.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Front cover picture edited choices.

I have taken my photo for the front cover and used the tools on 'Plasq's comic life' to create unique effects on the photos for each of the different copies of my original image. I have created a variety of different examples and have been able to find and will justify my final choice of image to place onto the front cover.

This is my origianl image in which i used as the template for the rest of the edited images below. i ensure that the person was positioned to the left of the image to allow valuable space on the left hand side for the masthead and articles.

I felt that this image was exceptionally pleasing to the eye. I feel it was artistic, and creative and the use of bright colours with the dark background and dull clothing colours created a very good contrast and made the image seem bold. However i do not feel the use of bright colours is appropriate for the magazine's main story theme of dark, deep set emotions.  

This image i thought did a good job of expressing the dark aspect of the article. However i feel the whole image is too dark and dull to place as a front page article, with the background being dark aswell i believe it is quite hard to distinghuish any detail on the person making it seem more of a silhouette of a person rather than placing emphasis solely on them.

This is the image i came to the conclusion of using for my front page, the editing on this gives the image a feeling that the person is holding so dark emotions and secrets within themselves. I have been able to demonstrate this through the use of the the white, brick wall background with the figure detailed in black to provide large amounts of emphasis on the person over the background. I feel this image also appeals to the young adult age category as it is set in an urban looking area (shown by the brick wall) with modern day clothing commonly seen being worn by people situated within that age category.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Photos for magazine.

I have finally got round to taking the photos for my magazine and i have specifacally handpicked a few of the best looking people i could find to best represent my magazine. As it turns out i appear in most of them, what a coincidence that is! Try and guess which person is me...

 Here i have taken a picture of a girl playing the drums, i intend to use this image as one of my two images on my contents page to include as an article on female drummers.
 This is going to be my main image for my double page spread, i was able to find a white background with a decent lighting for this shot, i have had the two people people positioned so that the main singer is placed in front of the support singer to emphasise his lead role within the band. I have had the main actor pull an aggresive facial expression and lean into the camera confrontationally to link in with the artile that i will have on my double page spread. i intend to have the double page spread article to be based around deep feelings of hate and aggression that sparked of an interest in heavy rock music. I was also able to ensure that both people within the shot had similiar items of clothing to emphasise that they are a unit and part of the same band. Im not too happy with the way the model's hair on the right (your right as you look at the image.) looks. I feel i will most likely make an attempt to edit this so that it does not look too unkempt and looks more stylish.

This image is for my front cover, i have had the person modelling pose to look as if they are in deep thought or to look as if they are hiding beneath the hood in order to cover up their emotions, i intend to have the front page and contents page build up and entice readers into reading the double page spread. i intend to make the stories imply that the band has a deep hidden secret that influences their creation of music.

This photo is one of the extra photos for the double page spread which will be presented on the article side of the page. I have had the model look agitated/disgusted which will directly link into the article content and the feelings expressed within the text.

This is my photo for the contents page, i have taken this against a metal fencing with the intention of making it look like a cage. I intend to include a heading with this stating that the band member reveals all about the torment trapped inside on the double page spread. I have included this in order to help intrigue readers and arise questions as to what the hidden secrets actually are.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Contents page rough plan

This is my rough plan for how i wish my contents page to look, i have a place for the the introduction to the page and the weeks issue and it will also feature the magazines logo in. i have then include area for images with relevent page numbers next to them so that readers can take a glance when holding the magazine in the shop and visually see what bands/ articles are featured within the magazine that was not advertised on the cover. and then i have given a large area to list the contents of the magazine on the right hand side of the page.